Verse 1
Your word is good, it’s ever faithful
Worth more than gold, the heart’s delight
Your word gives life to all who hear and obey
Your word endures forever
Verse 2
Your word is true, it never changes
It formed the earth, sustains it still
Your word defends, providing refuge and strength
Your word endures forever
Your word is a lamp unto my feet
Your word is a light unto my path
For your word is my hope, it’s my joy and my song
Your word endures forever
Verse 3
Your word transforms, it lifts the humble
Rebukes the proud, protects the poor
Your word discerns the mind and spirit of all
Your word endures forever
Your word endures forever
Your word is more than just letters on pages
It’s life and it’s love and it’s freedom for us
Your word is more than just wisdom of ages
Its treasures are endless, it’s always enough
Your word is more than just stories of old
It’s the truth and the way and the story of love
Your word is more than just breath into dust
It’s your Son, as a man, come to dwell here with us
CCLI Song # 7091582 | © 2017 Liv Chapman, Alanna Glover, Philip Percival
Sample Introduction
God’s word reflects his nature, and from it we learn that we can trust his character and his plan and purposes for mankind. We are indeed blessed if our “delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law we meditate day and night”. Let us delight and meditate on the truths of God’s word from Psalm 119 as we sing ‘Your Word’.
Song Links
Scripture References
Old Testament – Psalm 19, Psalm 119
New Testament – John 1
Doctrinal Themes
Christian Living – Obedience
Christology – Eternal Word
Doctrine of the Word – Authority and sufficiency, Eternal and Enduring
Liturgical Categories
God’s Word