Dependence, Obedience, Our Resurrection, Repentance, Sanctification, The Lordship of Christ, Trust, Union with Christ



Verse 1
This life I live is not my own
For my redeemer paid the price
He took it to be his alone
To be his treasure and his prize
The things of earth I leave behind
To live in worship of my king
His is the right to rule my life
Mine is the joy to live for him

Verse 2
I died to sin upon the cross
I’m bound to Jesus in his death
The old is gone and now I must
Rely on him for every breath
With every footstep that I tread
What mysteries he has in store
I cannot know what lies ahead
But know that he has gone before

Verse 3
There is a voice that pierced the grave
A power that rolled the stone away
A sound of life, I know I’m saved
The voice of God has called my name
So I will rise and in the air
Behold the glory of the king
I will not fear to meet him there
I know my life is hid with him

  Sample Introduction

Our life is not our own but was bought. It cost our Father God the life of his precious Son. We have been redeemed, we have died and raised with Christ. So let us use this song to recommit to leaving our sinful selves behind and living joyfully in the service of our king.


  Song Links

  Scripture References

Old Testament – Deuteronomy 31:8
New Testament – Romans 6, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:19-21, Colossians 3, Hebrews 12:20, 1 Peter 2:24

  Doctrinal Themes

Christian Living – Dependence, Obedience, Repentance, Sanctification, Trust
Christology – The Lordship of Christ, Union with Christ
The Future – Our Resurrection

  Liturgical Categories

Call to service, Creed/Statement of Faith