Assurance, Christ the Good Shepherd, Dependence, Judgement, Obedience, Perseverance, Saviour, Suffering and Trials, The Faithfulness of God, The Gospel, The Holy Spirit, The Peace of God, The Return of Christ, The Word of God
Verse 1
I will trust you in the darkness, I will serve you in my pain
I will worship in the wilderness and will follow to the end
For you are the suffering shepherd and you know your sheep by name
So I will trust you in the darkness once again
Verse 2
I’ll believe your word of comfort when the light of life grows dim
I will heed your voice at midnight when the tempests rage within
I will cling to Christ my saviour, who has borne my sorrow’s sting
And I will trust you in the darkness once again
Verse 3
I will praise your name in winter when the skies are cold and grey
I will feed upon your promises and will cry to you each day
I will lean upon your Spirit and your word will I obey
Yes, I will trust you in the darkness come what may
Verse 4
I will trust you in the darkness, on your faithfulness depend
As I long for your appearing and the day that never ends
I will glory in the gospel and your word of truth defend
I will trust you in the darkness once again
I will trust you in the darkness, O my friend
CCLI Song # 3400238 | © 2001 Rob Smith
Sample Introduction
In John 10:27-28, Jesus days “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand”. In the midst of our darkness and in the depths of our sorrow, we have the great comfort that Jesus knows each of us by name and will sustain us until he appears again. Let’s continue to put our trust in him through the words of this song.
Song Links
Scripture References
Old Testament – Psalm 6, Psalm 23, Psalm 63
New Testament – John 10, Romans 8, Romans 12, 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Doctrinal Themes
Christian Living – Assurance, Dependence, Obedience, Perseverance, Suffering and trials
Christology – Christ the Good Shepherd; Saviour, The Return of Christ
Doctrine of God – The Faithfulness of God; The Holy Spirit, The Peace of God
The Future – Judgement
The Gospel – The Gospel
Liturgical Themes
Assurance, Lament