Humility, Salvation, Saviour, The Glory of God, The Holy God, The Incarnation of Christ, The Love of God, The Power of God
Verse 1
My soul will magnify the Lord, my Saviour I’ll acclaim
He looks upon my life with love, and holy is his name
With joy his blessings I recall, his mighty power proclaim
On those who fear him mercy falls, and holy is his name
Verse 2
The reign of kings he interrupts; the proud he brings to shame
But humble hearts are lifted up, and holy is his name
The wealthy he has sent away; the hungry he sustains
He hears the poor in spirit pray, and holy is his name
Jesus, our saviour has come
We will sing of his mercy and love
Jesus, now risen to reign
We will sing of his glorious name
Verse 3
The Lord has come to us in Christ, his servants to reclaim
Remembering his people’s plight, and holy is his name
We lift our eyes to God above, his glory we exclaim
We sing forever of his love and holy is his name
CCLI Song # 7216096 | Tim Chester & Alanna Glover | © 2023 Emu Music Ltd.
Sample Introduction
This song is based on Mary’s song in Luke chapter 1, a chapter where Mary is so full of gratitude to God that it spills out in praise. It was a wonderful song for Mary to sing then, but it’s also a wonderful song for us to sing now, as we praise the same unchanging God.
Song Links
Scripture References
Luke 1:46-56
Doctrinal Themes
Christian Living – Humility
Christology – Saviour, The Incarnation of Christ,
Doctrine of God – The Glory of God, The Holy God, The Love of God, The Power of God
The Gospel – Salvation
Liturgical Categories
Adoration, Call to worship, Praise