Adoption, Assurance, Forgiveness, Glorification, Indwelt by the Holy Spirit, Salvation, Saviour, Sin, The Father
Verse 1
I am alive, saved by your sacrifice
Death, overcome, glory dispels the night
You call the lifeless to wake from death to life
Out of darkness arise
Verse 2
I am set free, saved from the power of sin
Guilt, overcome, your Spirit at work within
You break the chains of the law, I am released
From the burden of sin
Now we cry, “Father”, we are your children
We are adopted as your own
No condemnation, we are forgiven
Nothing can take us from your love
Verse 3
I am redeemed, raised with my saviour Christ
Fear, overcome, I will be glorified
You will forever defend and stand beside
I am safe in your love
Creation awaits the glorious day
When Jesus returns and trials will fade
CCLI Song # 7134602 | © 2019 Liv Chapman, Alanna Glover, Philip Percival, Michael Morrow
Sample Introduction
This next song explores the tension of Romans 8, that we are redeemed but groaning along with creation for the glorious day when Jesus returns. So let us fix our eyes on Christ as we wait for his return and the inauguration of the new creation.
Song Links
Scripture References
Romans 8; Galatians 3:23-29; Ephesians 2:1-10
Doctrinal Themes
Christian Living – Assurance, Indwelt by the Holy Spirit
Christology – Saviour
Creation – The Creation
Doctrine of God – The Father
The Future – Glorification
The Gospel – Adoption, Forgiveness, Salvation, Sin
Liturgical Categories
Adoration, Assurance, Creed/Statement of Faith, Praise