Beholding God, Praise, Saviour, The Lordship of Christ, The Reign of Christ, The Return of Christ, The Sacrifice of Christ, The Victory of Christ



Verse 1
Who is worthy of all honour, praise and splendour
Only Jesus
Who is holy, robed in glory, enthroned forever
Only Jesus

Pre-Chorus 1
For he has overcome the grave
With heaven, we lift our voice to praise

We behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sin of the world
And we see him seated on the throne
By his blood we’ve been redeemed
We once were dead but now we’re free
And we praise the king above all kings

Verse 2
Who is worthy of our reverence, of our worship
Only Jesus
Who is mighty, Judah’s lion king forever
Only Jesus

Pre-Chorus 2
For he is coming back again
And then forever we will sing

CCLI Song # 7115560 | © 2018 Curtis Smith, Liv Chapman 

  Sample Introduction

Revelation 5 gives us a picture of every living creature on heaven and earth declaring “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Let’s praise the name of Jesus together now.


  Song Links

  Scripture References

New Testament – John 1, 2 Timothy 1:10, Revelation 4, Revelation 5

  Doctrinal Themes

Christian Living– Beholding God, Praise
Christology – Saviour, The Lordship of Christ, The Reign of Christ, The Return of Christ, The Sacrifice of Christ, The Victory of Christ

  Liturgical Categories

Adoration, Praise